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The TS-1 is the first system of its kind that is able to determine the state of milling and drilling tools quickly and reliably. Using high-resolution cameras and computer-controlled axes, the TS-1 measures and inspects the tool fully automatically.
The data generated is evaluated by artificial intelligence and the condition of the tool is determined.
Tool manufacturers can use the TS-1 to automate the final inspection, thereby reducing production costs and ensuring consistent product quality.
Tool users can optimise the tool lifecycle, which leads to significantly reduced tool costs and higher process reliability. Due to the lower tool consumption, environmentally harmful raw materials contained in the tools are also preserved.



  • 4 CNC axes (XYZ and C)
  • Integrated tool measurement
  • Fully automated evaluation


  • Measuring times between 15 and 30 seconds
  • Fast tool change


  • high-resolution cameras
  • Inspection of lateral and frontal surface
  • Evaluation by artificial intelligence


  • Grösse LxBxH: 700 x 600x 900mm (ohne PC und Monitor)

Example shots and processing

Defects are automatically marked

Defect type and amount determines the tool state

Advantages at a glance:

Cost reduction

  • Lower tool consumption thanks to optimum tool life utilization and thus a significant reduction in operating costs
  • Reduction in production costs through automation of the final inspection (tool manufacturer)

Resource conservation

  • Raw materials for carbide production are limited
  • Extraction polluting (tungsten carbide, cobalt)
  • Production very complex

Quality control

  • Reliable knowledge of tool condition
  • Detection of chipping on tools